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tv   11 News at Noon  NBC  January 29, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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>> you are watching wbal tv 11. live, local, late breaking, this is 11 news at noon.
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>> i realize that we finally achieved our goal of being the nfc champion. it feels really good. we need to go out there and finish business. >> once the ravens landed in your mind, he said, it is time to finish the business. -- in new orleans, he said, it is time to finish the business. the baltimore ravens are in the land of the big easy now to prepare for the task ahead. jennifer franciotti reports. the san francisco crowd has already faced the media, and in a few minutes, so will the ravens. >> a media frenzy, journalists from all over the world are here to talk with the forty-niners and the ravens. in about 50 minutes, the ravens take the center stage. you just wanted to see what it
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was all about, right? >> exactly. why not skip work this morning and go check it out? >> you think it is going to be crazy? >> oh, yeah. i heard it this morning on the radio at 6:00 a.m. i can imagine what it quite to be like. >> what is it like to have the super bowl in your city? >> it is crazy. i can see the dome. i can see all the decorations and everything. it is exciting to be here. >> are you rooting for the ravens? >> i am actually voting for the ravens. i will be in baltimore from my birthday. i want you to be in a party happy mood when i get there. >> we will let you get inside, so you can see the ravens in action. we will get in sight, too. reporting from the superdome.
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>> and we know the ravens will give it all they've got. they will have to get through jim harbaugh and the 49ers first. colin cabernet has shown how dangerous he can be when he runs the ball. tore's an arsenal of weapons throw, like i vernon davis and michael crabtree. >> i think people have put too much focus on me. they will like the other weapons we have on this team. i do not think they realize the great offensive line that we have. there are many other parts on this team that make easier on me to go out there. >> and it is business as usual in new orleans.
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the super bowl and mardi gras happening at the same time is cause for -- is cause for extra security. security at the superdome will be supertitle. security will be out in force. they're expecting record numbers of visitors to the city. they're pulling out all the stops. what you expect to see is downtown on every corner, police officers. they will be wearing the green reflective vests. do not do anything to hurt yourself or others. show, courtesy. >> they plan to be in every vehicle possible, motor scooters, cars, force mounts, and foot patrol. you can look at the side shows at of the big game at the top of
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the home page police are investigating a single vehicle accident where a driver struck a tree. officers arrived at the scene on north chapel gate lane around for 30 a.m. this morning. there were two victims taken to shock trauma. no word yet on what caused the crash. and just before 8:00 a.m., police responded to liberty road and lockwood wrote for an accident involving a school bus and another vehicle. four teens were taken to sinai hospital, while three others were taken to another hospital. no word yet on who was at fault. an overnight shooting in northwest baltimore on the 2600 block of park lake avenue around 10:00 p.m. last night. officers found an adult male there suffering from a gunshot wound. the suspect is in custody after
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an incident around 6:30 p.m. monday night. a man police thought was armed got into a car and drove toward an officer. police say one of the officers was forced to open fire, striking the suspect. police said the suspect drove off, but was eventually found in the 800 block of longwood street. he was taken to hospital. none of the officers were injured. more is under way in the misconduct trial of john leopold. his lawyer arrested monday after calling on one of his doctors and a county personnel director. following their testimony, the judge -- the defense asked the judge to drop the case, citing allegations that these actions did not constitute crimes. the judge threw out the request. on monday, jurors heard from christina barnes, phylicia barnes older sister, and the ex-
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girlfriend of johnson. she testified that she said johnson made a pass at kalisha. she also found things missing from her apartment at about the same time that phylicia disappeared. >> temperatures have warmed up more than expected. it is the first time we've been above 50 in eight days. currently at 58 at the airport. 57 downtown. still in the upper 40's into the suburbs. 60 degrees at the airport this afternoon. everyone else will be in the mid 50's. most cloudy through the evening hours. a sprinkle possible tonight. better rain chances going through tomorrow afternoon. a cold front comes to the area and temperatures will be changing. >> still ahead, from chicken
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wings to nachos and debt, dishing out a couple of extra bucks for the big game. brendan morocco lost all of his limbs while serving in iraq. now he has been given
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>> a soldier who lost all four of his limbs in iraq is on his way to recovery. brendon morocco was injured while serving in iraq in 2009. he is the first quadruple amputee to survive his injuries. he received a double arm surgery recently. his story will be on 11 news at 5:00 p.m. i'm sure it will be a moving one. knew today as recover the nation, the senate foreign relations committee has approved john carey as the next secretary of state. he will replace hillary clinton. the senate panel approved his nomination with no opposition. a second vote will be taking place this afternoon by the full senate. for the past 28 years, he has served on the senate foreign
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relations panel and has been its leader for the past four years. there will be special election in late june to replace him. considering lifting its decades- long ban on gays, the boy scouts showed signs of areas to remove the band from the national organization roles. that would leave it up to the sponsoring organizations of local troops. if the national policy change is approved, it could be announced as early as next week. in washington, the senate joined the house in approving emergency relief for victims of hurricane sandy. the measure is aimed primarily at helping residents and businesses rebuild from the late october storm. the $15 billion measure will now be sent to president obama for his signature. and speaking of the president, his push for immigration reform kicks off in las vegas today. he had there to promote an
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overhaul of the american immigration system. a bipartisan group of censors laid out a comprehensive deals that include a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants currently in the u.s. obama plans to overhaul the nation's laws, including beefy of the border. -- beefing up the border. as you head out to your lunch break, hiding -- adding parts of color could give a boost to your brain. >> and a cold front moves its way. until then, temperatures are heating up. already at 60 degrees at the airport. humidity is at 70%. expected to be even
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>> the superbowl means super spending when it comes to parties. americans will spend nearly $12.3 billion, i guess billion, on the super bowl. that is an average of $68 per person. last year, tv sales were at $3.5 million. if you're looking to file your tax return early this year, you may be disappointed. the irs will begin processing individual tax returns until tomorrow. the irs says the best way to file an accurate return is true e-file. use the direct deposit option for a faster refund.
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>> now your 11 insta-weather plus forecast. >> good afternoon. we are really heating things up. already pushing 60 degrees downtown. also at b.w.i. third marshall as well. a cold front sitting over this area in the past about hours. some areas are still in the 40's because of that right now. further up toward the west caballo 50's. -- toward the west, 50's. warm air will continue to come out of the south. the humidity is feeling a lot better. not so dry right now. more humidity coming tomorrow as well. look how warm it is near the gulf right now. 77 right now in new orleans as
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everyone is getting ready for the big game on sunday. cold air across the plane's right now. 41 in kansas city. only in the teens right now in denver. we will get some rocky weather, possibly thunderstorms in the area. tracking that cold front with thunderstorms already pushing its way through oklahoma and eastern kansas and missouri as well. there could be severe weather possible today into tomorrow. let's put the futurecast in motion. starting wednesday morning, a lot of clouds in the area. a couple of sprinkles for the overnight. it looks like our shower chances will increase through the afternoon. the cold front is likely to pass by through the evening hours. that is what we could have thunderstorms through the area.
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potentially on the gusting side. we will keep an eye on whether or not we said -- we extend that severe threat into maryland. showers will head out to our east into thursday morning. snow showers will be possible well out into garrett county. here is the forecast for tonight. mostly cloudy skies, a sprinkle possible. very mild overnight as the temperatures dipped only into the mid 40 qazi across the area. fog could slow you down during the morning commute. into the afternoon, showers, many thunderstorms by the evening hours. tomorrow, mid 60's. a big drop in the temperatures going into the seven-day. we dropped down by about 20 degrees going into thursday. by friday, at a slight chance for snow. a high will only be into the 30's.
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>> in today's medical alert, a new study shows that eating pretty colored fruits and vegetables could help lower the risk of als. it is a disease that attacks the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. researchers at howard university found more people who eat more carotenoids, which give fruits and vegetables their bright colors, had a reduced risk of als. and having a lycopene vitamin deficiency did not affect the risk. and in another study, women who carry the blogger gene puts them at higher risk for breast and ovarian cancer. women with breast cancer gene typically begin menopause at 50 years old compared to age 53 for other middle-aged women. coming up next, your maryland lottery pick three and pick four
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numbers. then the weather forecasts. but first, and look at how wall street is performing.
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>> mary ingalls from valley view farms and joins us to answer your pet questions. >> this is a little fairy garden. you can take plants and make a little table herewith some stones and a piece of bark. some of the plants are regular house plants. we made a little river out of some glass. and then the little ferries are right here to take care of it. >> you have a seminar? >> we have a workshop coming up on saturday if anyone wants to learn to do it. >> a few questions here. there are -- plastic or clay potts? >> i am going to say plastic are better because they're easier to deal with and not as happy.
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some people say clay pots because they hold the water in better. >> with the temperatures fluctuating, what do you do with houseplants? vekton osher you need to do anything. -- >> i'm not sure you need to do anything. there is a product you can spread on them to prevent water loss, but you have to spread out when the temperature is 40 or above. >> what time of year do you recommend heckling a project? >> anytime the ground is not frozen. from mid march until almost december. as long as you can get water out there. various hollies and viburnums. i have a mix at my house. >> coming up tonight at 5:00
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p.m., our week of team coverage of super bowl 47 continues. is a verdict in sight in the conduct a trial of john leopold? we are marching in all from the courthouse in annapolis. plus, and iraq soldier left dilemmas in a roadside bombing. thanks to researchers at johns hopkins he now has two arms. and are your pick three and pick four numbers. >> celebrating sunday's big game with purple drawings and ravens scratch jobs. -- scratch office. >> your pick three numbers are 1, 8, and 8, which makes your
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pick three numbers 1, 8, 8. enter your extra yards for your chance to win $25,000. your pick four numbers are 3, 1, 7, and 8. 3, 1, 7, 8. the maryland lottery, let yourself play. >> unseasonably warm temperatures right now. >> very mild weather right now, natalie this afternoon but tomorrow. there's a chance of thunderstorms tomorrow as a cold front comes through. >> quite a contrast. thank you for joining us. >> be sure to watch at 5:00 p.m. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute
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